What Did Jesus Really Mean About Abiding In Him?

August 1st, 2016 § 1

Jesus said, “If you abide in Me and my words abide in you, you will bear much fruit.”

“Bearing much fruit” is a description of a life that is not merely surviving or barely existing, but rather a life abounding with supernatural favor and manifest blessing, in spite of an evil world. It is a life that people are drawn to. And when they come into contact with that life they will see something they have never seen before about God.

Think of “abiding in Jesus and His words abiding in us” as really meaning “a conscious and continuous awareness and belief of another reality.” That is what Jesus is saying. He came to bring us the Kingdom of God!

Many believers only visit this new place in Him from time to time but few believers live there. They will go to heaven when their bodies die but heaven was never their home here on earth, just a place to take a vacation. Most believers live their lives on earth outside the warmth and wonder of their real home in Christ. They are in Him, they just don’t experience Him like He desires. He stands at the door and knocks and, if they will believe He is as good as He says He is, He will show them His reality experientially, and sit down and break bread with them. He will tell them their new name.

We must be purposeful and determined to keep our eyes on this unseen wonder. His name is Jesus. Not purposeful and determined to do good deeds, but rather purposeful and determined to “see!” To see Him. The good deeds will follow.

The passive and lazy believer will be swept away in the flood from the dragon’s mouth. They will be deceived and begin calling good what Jesus calls evil. They will cause many to stumble. They will bear little fruit.

This is the essence of the fight of faith. The good fight. The armor we clothe ourselves with, as Paul taught, is in essence a revelation of Jesus and the new realm He has brought to us and placed in us. We exist in hostile territory here on earth but the new world has already come to us in the Spirit. His glorious new world.

This is why the mind set on the things of the Spirit bring life and peace. This is why all the apostles taught us to look to the unseen reality in Jesus. This is why we can overcome all things in this world. This is why we have such hope and joy unspeakable. This is why people are attracted to those who abide in Jesus and have His words abiding in them. They come to see and hear of this new world within the believer. They come to see Him. And when you see Him, you will believe in Him.

They who live where Jesus lives will bear much fruit. Fruit that remains to the glory of God.

James Barron