Only The Perfect Go To Heaven

March 25th, 2015 § 1

God is love and He is perfect. Contrary to what some people say, He is not repulsed by our imperfections. He does not despise us because of our sins. He is attracted to our imperfections and weaknesses because His love desires to meet our needs and provide for all our lack. His heart toward man is to open his blind eyes, heal his broken heart, set him free from all bondages and be a loving Father to him.

Having said all that, it is also true that God who is perfect cannot join Himself to us in our imperfection. His love for us has provided a way for us to be made perfect by faith in Jesus, His only Son. Jesus became our sin (our imperfection) for us and died in judgment for us on the cross that we might be given His righteousness (His perfection) as a gift.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that we can be joined to God because He is love and He loves us. We are not forgiven because God is love. We are forgiven because it cost Him the life of His Son. We are forgiven because of the bloody and violent death of Jesus, the Lamb of God, who took our judgment for us on the cross.

It was God’s love for mankind that sent the Son and it was the Son’s love for mankind that caused Him to not consider equality with God the Father a thing to be held onto but willingly humbled Himself and became a man to die for man on a cross. But had the Son called for those twelve legions of angels (72,000 angels) in the garden to protect Him and take Him from the earth on that fateful night (which Jesus said He could do in Matt 26:53) and had He not willingly taken the cup of God’s wrath for our sin, God would still be love but we would perish and be lost forever in our imperfections and sins.

Never think that God will forgive our sin just because He loves us. If we do not receive the perfection of God that He offers to all people as a gift through faith in Jesus then we will die in our imperfection, separated from God forever in our sins. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever would believe in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.

Jesus looked down over Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives and wept saying, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem. How often I would have gathered you like a mother hen gathers her little chicks under her wings to protect them, but you would not let Me. Because you did not receive Me, your enemies will now surround you and you will perish.”

Only the perfect go to heaven. Only the perfect can be joined to God and live forever. Only the perfect can enjoy fellowship with the God of all comfort and grace. And the Good News is that He has given us His own perfection as a gift that we might be perfect and always be where He is. Faith in Jesus alone gives us this unspeakable gift of perfection. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except by Me.”

§ One Response to “Only The Perfect Go To Heaven”

  • Felipe says:

    I am so thrilled to see this! A nbumer of years ago, we worshipped at the same church in phoenixville, Hope. We went out for coffee in town, you reached out and I was and continue to be ministered to by you and Jeff. We were given his Higher cd at one of our first visits. We were relocated shortly after, but I listen to the cd to the point of wearing it out! In fact, I have been trying to figure out how I can get a new one! Although, we now live far apart, and do not worship at the same church, the impact u have had on me is eternal. I thank u for that and am looking forward to seeing this blog! May God bless u and speak thru u!

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