Heaven’s Star

December 25th, 2015 § 1

On the night of His birth a star shone brightly above Him. Heaven sent Him to us and the bright heavenly light was God’s way of saying that heaven was coming to man. All through the years man has asked himself how he might somehow get to heaven, but God brought heaven to man.

God would become a man and experience for the first time what it was like to live as a man among men. He now knows us like He could never know us before. He knows our fears, our hopes, our pain, our laughter. He has looked at the stars He made through the pupil of a human eye while standing barefoot in the sand on the earth He created. His star in the night sky signaled to all mankind that He wanted to be one of us, that He might be with us and we with Him.

He called Himself the Door. The Way. The Gate. All who believe in Him enter through that Door to heaven’s reality. Heaven has come to man when man could not go to heaven. He calls all men to believe on Him for the forgiveness of all sin. He was born to die that our sins would be removed forever and His everlasting righteousness might be given as a free gift to all who believe. Those who believe Him enter into the new world. His new world. As it is in heaven, so it is now on earth in the Spirit. Where all things are possible. Where all things are new. Where all His love abides.

We believe and rest in His love and are satisfied. Abide in Him by growing in your awareness of Him as your peace and your life. Heaven has come to you in Him. He shall be called Emmanuel! God with us! He is with us now and every day, even unto the end of the world!

James Barron

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