Christmas Is All About The Incarnation

December 22nd, 2016 § 4

The word “incarnation” actually means “to take on flesh” or “embody flesh.” This is what we celebrate every Christmas. Few people in this world think about this, but this is what Christmas is really all about. Christmas is all about remembering the miracle of God becoming a man.

God living in all His fullness in the fleshly body of man. Think about that. God became a man. And His name is Jesus. As the angel said, He shall be called “Emmanuel” which means “God with us!” That simple but profound thought will be a game changer in your mind. If you let that one thought in, and do not resist it, you will be changed. Over time, you will be changed. This powerful thought will lead to other thoughts. His thoughts. We humans seek to change our lives for the better all the time but the secret to real change begins with a thought that we never think: Jesus is God.

This is an event that actually happened on earth in a stable in Bethlehem, Israel. You can actually visit the place where it occurred! This actually happened. God became a man. To see Jesus is to see God. Think about that. We can look upon the face of God by looking at Jesus. Makes me want to read again the Gospels! The eye witness accounts of the words and acts of Jesus! Matthew, Mark, Luke and John! Read what the witnesses wrote with the mindset that you are watching God live as a man before your eyes. It will change your life.

The Word was with God “and was God” and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and glory.
The Incarnation. He shall be called the Son of God because He is the express image of the Father. To know Him is to know the Father. To see Him is to see the Father. To know the Father is life eternal.

Why did God come to us like this? Why did God become a man? He came to us that we might see what is invisible. He wanted us to know Him. God is Spirit and His Spirit took on flesh that we might see Him.

He also came to us as one of us so that He could die for us. He came to take away the sin of the world so that we could always be with Him. Not just know Him but also be with Him. Jesus is the Lamb of God that took away the sin of the world. He was born to die and He planned it that way. His death on the cross was the judgment of the world for all sin, but only those who believe in Him are released from their sin. Never forget that. He came for the world but only those who trust in Him will be forgiven and delivered out of this world. Apart from Jesus there is no hope of eternal life.

He wanted to be one of us so that we could always be with Him. This is the eternal purpose of The Incarnation. Jesus said to the thief on the cross at the end of His life as a man on earth, “This day you will be with Me.”

That is why He came. He wants you and I to always be with Him where He is. He prepared a place for us “in Himself” that we might always be where He is. He who is from above was born from below that we who are from below might be born from above. This is why we celebrate Christmas. This is why a star in the heavens above shone brightly over the place where He was born. This is why the heavenly realm briefly opened to natural eyes and ears and shepherds beheld angels and heard words proclaimed of a great joy that would be for all people because of this One who was born that night. Born. Think about it. The King of all kings. The Creator Himself. Born a man. The Incarnation. Awesome, awesome mystery!

Truly great is the mystery of our godliness! The Father in the Son and and the Son in the Father. And now for us who believe, the Son in us and we in the Son. Now we are one with the Father and the Son through the gift of the Holy Spirit. Wonder of all wonders! And how can these things be? Because He is Emmanuel! Jesus is God with us! We can only fall on our knees in awe of so great a love and say as Thomas said that day, when he touched the nail prints in His body, in His hands and feet: “My Lord and my God!”

Merry Christmas!

James Barron

§ 4 Responses to “Christmas Is All About The Incarnation”

  • Cooper Simmons says:

    The Greatest Story Ever Told, still lives today. Well written my friend.
    We have an awesome and wonderful story to tell about an awesome and wonderful
    Lord and Savior.

  • Nell Adair-Allen says:

    So simply stated but such a great, great true story! Praise God! Thank you,

  • Carol H says:

    All your teachings are great. You cover the birth, death & resurrection of Christ so fully and explain it with awesome revelation, that when people hear/read it, Holy Spirit reveals that what you say is truth. Thank you for giving your time to bring this great mystery of all of who/what Christ is to/in us.
    May this be the best Christmas ever for you and yours,
    Love you in the Lord,
    Carol & Rick

  • Noel Cookman says:

    I have always been overwhelmed and “blown away” by your teaching and blogs. This simple Christmas message was as powerful as any. I found myself sharing it with others. You helped me see the unseen – what was REALLY transpiring that first Christmas. Merry Christmas.

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