Grace Is A Person

September 15th, 2017 § 0

God’s mind works in concentric circles and His creation is a manifestation of the way His thoughts work. From the huge swirling galaxies to the tiniest molecules with neutrons and protons we see the signature of God in all that has been made in circles within circles. Wheels within wheels the prophet saw as he beheld the glory of God in the Spirit. Concentric circles are circles that all have the same common core. That common core in all that God has made and done and will do is the Son. All things were made by Him and through Him and for Him. The Word made flesh was with God and is God. His name is Jesus.

Man’s mind was corrupted by Satan when he ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Man’s mind was re-wired to think in terms of concepts of right and wrong and he was deceived to think he could be like God without God with this mere knowledge. If we are a believer, God in Christ has restored our minds to think like He thinks. To see the truth or the reality as He sees reality. Jesus said to Pilate that for this purpose He came into the world: To bear witness to the truth or the reality. We now have the mind of Christ. The Spirit is renewing the believer’s mind to see Jesus as the center of all things and all concepts. Jesus is truly the way, the truth and the life, as He said. Paul wrote that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Him. We now know right from wrong because we know the Father through Jesus. To know Him is life. Whatever is like God is good and whatever is not like God is evil. We now live by Him who lives within us.

The enemy wants to move us away from the simplicity and centrality of Jesus to mere knowledge of concepts thereby weakening the personal relationship with Jesus Himself. The letter kills but the Spirit gives life. That applies not only to the law but to any mere knowledge of just concepts or precepts apart from a personal revelation and relationship with Jesus Himself by the Spirit.

There is a subtle move in some “grace churches” to proclaim more of a concept of grace than to proclaim the person of Jesus Himself. There is much praise for “the message of grace” but the person of Jesus is not being revealed in power so that faith in Him personally is not being strengthened. The result has caused the true grace of God found only in Jesus to be distorted. Grace in these churches is now being explained as an acceptance for same-sex relationships and marriages as something that is pleasing to God; or as a doctrine that means all are saved, or will be saved, and all are going to Heaven; or as being inclusive of all people, including Muslims, since we all worship the same God and therefore we should see every person on earth as a child of God. These are all great distortions of the true grace of God in Jesus.

When we cease to think like God thinks where His Son is the center of all things then we are corrupted in our thinking regarding heavenly realities. We lose sight of the great mystery of our own death and resurrection with Jesus and this great work of God through His Son is rarely mentioned. Our vital union with the person of Jesus is no longer the strength for all we do. The apostle Paul said that he was determined to know nothing among the saints but Jesus the Christ and Him crucified. The Son and His work. Paul said he was called by God to proclaim His Son to the world. Our primary message is not grace. Our primary message is Jesus. Only in Jesus can the true grace of God be revealed, understood and experienced unto life and holiness.

Jesus is our everything for God has made Him to be everything to us. Jesus alone is the center of all the circles. He is Lord of all. He is our bridegroom and He is our best friend. We can lay our head on His chest as the apostle John did and rest in His love for us personally. He knows our name. You cannot lay your head on a concept of grace. Grace is a person.

James Barron

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