The Power Of God

January 11th, 2024 § 0

The law was a tutor to teach the Jews about God and if they had learned from their tutor then they would not have missed the day of their visitation by God. The law was only for the Jew. Never for the Gentile.

The Jew was to understand the utter holiness of God and the concept of blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin so that they would be able to grasp the revelation of Messiah and His work and bring that message, that good news, to the world in the fullness of time. Only a remnant saw it. Only a few of the Jews proclaimed it. But it does not take many to put a voice to the revelation of God in Jesus in order to change the world because THE REVELATION ITSELF IS THE POWER OF GOD.

The message that God is no longer counting your sin against you if your faith is in Jesus turned the world upside down. The announcement that God gives His own righteousness to a believer as a gift is the wisdom of God. The good news that the believer is one with God through Jesus by the Spirit is joy unspeakable and full of glory.

The awareness of an everlasting love that never leaves you is Heaven on Earth.

James Barron

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