Seeing Grace
Sharing the Good News with the World

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Biblical teachings on the finished work of Christ by James BarronHear from James and his community on the blog.
You can also access a collection of older archived audio recordings on Apple Podcast.
Check back often to hear new teachings as they are added to the website.
Current quote on our heart...
“Of all the things He made, humankind was the first that He touched. The first breath we tasted was His exhale. I don’t think it’s meaningless that the first time humanity looked up at the eyes of God, His hands were dirty and He was close. Maybe we missed it—what God showed us when He first introduced Himself: that He will crawl into the dirt to be near us, and He will fill our lungs with air when we don’t know how to breathe.”
Current song on our heart...
Artist: Austin French
Album: Wake Up Sleeper
Song: Rest For Your Soul

Audio Archive
Archive of James Barron's teachings.
(Updated frequently so check back often!) Listen Now

James' Online Blog
Follow James Barron's thoughts, personal stories and revelations in his online blog. Visit Blog
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What Jesus accomplished by his death on the cross is so simple, yet so profound. Often, people have a hard time understanding what Christ's sacrifice means for them and how it affects their relationship with God.
It is our joy and passion to spread the good news of the gospel to all who will listen.